Telepsychiatry Colorado

e-Psychiatry currently provides individuals, employers, clinics, hospitals and other mental health providers access to a online psychiatrist using telepsychiatry. We currently have several board certified psychiatrists and other mental health providers licensed in the state of Colorado

Telepsychiatry for Hospitals, Clinics and Other Mental Health Facilities

e-Psychiatry provides Hospitals, Clinics and Other Mental Health Facilities in Colorado a way to staff a telemedicine psychiatrist without all the overhead costs associated with recruiting. We currently have 379 Colorado licensed psychiatrists, psychologists, NPs, PAs and other mental health providers ready to assist your health care facility's patients. Take advantage of what technology has to offer, as e-Psychiatry's most popular telemedicine service, by utilizing telepsychiatry and give your patients timely access to psychiatric care. We have many psychiatrists that cover the state of Colorado so you don't ever have to worry about being short staffed ever again.

Join our efforts in helping relieve the Colorado's shortage of psychiatrists and Contact Us to see how we can help deliver mental health care to your patients using telepsychiatry!

Pricing for telepsychiatry programs vary depending on the anticipated patient volume and the provider. We quote pricing with mental heatlh facility and psychiatrist when negotiating contract.

Telepsychiatry for Individuals and Families

Individuals and families in Colorado that are in need of psychiatrist can utilize e-Psychiatry as a way to connect with a online psychiatrist. e-Psychiatry provides the smae care as a psychiatrist in-office exam. Let e-Psychiatry help you receive treatment for your mental illness today.

You can Register Now for FREE to see one of our online psychiatrists in Colorado today!

Pricing is for a 20 to 45 minute online psychiatry session depending on the psychiatrist you use. Any time over that may require additional fees. Pricing for a typical initial online consultation is $250 and follow-up online consultation is $150. These prices vary with each psychiatrist.

Telepsychiatry for Employers

e-Psychiatry provides employers in Colorado a way for their employees to connect with a online psychiatrist. Show your employees you care while reducing missed time from work and saving money. Don't ignore your employees mental health and give them access to a online psychiatrist through e-Psychiatry.

You can Learn More about what telepsychiatry programs we offer employers in Colorado and help your employees get treatment for their mental illness!

Pricing for telepsychiatry benefits vary depending on the size of your company or organization.

Mental Health in Colorado

telepsychiatry colorado

Colorado's mental health care situation is suffering like mosst states are in the US. There are approximately 600 actively practicing psychiatrists in Colorado. This gives around 13 psychiatrists per 100,000 residents. Patients who are in need of mental health care have are not treated due to the lack of psychiatrists. e-Psychiatry is here to help the residents of Colorado in the underserved areas through telepsychiatry.

Hospitals, mental health clinics and other health care facilitites in Colorado are having a hard time finding a psychiatrist to employ at their facilities. e-Psychiatry contracts with psychiatrists licensed in Colorado that are able take on patients at hospitals and mental health clinics using telepsychiatry.

Telepsychiatry provides a new and exciting way to provide mental health care in the state of Colorado. If you are:

a patient trying to find a psychiatrist

a psychiatrist seeking employment

a hospital or mental health clinic looking to hire a psychiatrist

or an employer wanting to give your employees mental health coverage

e-Psychiatry can help!

Colorado Telemedicine and Telepsychiatry Links