Telepsychiatry Services

e-Psychiatry provides telehealth services in the field of telepsychiatry and telepsychology nationwide.
Are you searching for a Psychiatrist, ARNP, Psychiatric PA, Psychologist, Therapist or Mental Health Counselor at you mental health facility?
Are you an employer or insurance provider that wants to expand the provider specialist coverage you provide to your members, and at competitive rates?
Well now you can!
Health Care Facilities
e-Psychiatry's Telepsychiatry Program for health care facilities is our most popular service. e-Psychiatry has over 7000 mental health providers. The shortage of psychiatrists makes it difficult for mental health clinics and other behavioral health facilities to recruit, staff and retain a psychiatrist. Most of the time, behavioral health organizations turn to recruiters to staff a psychiatrist. This can be very time consuming and expensive. We provide facilities a way to avoid all of the overhead costs associated with recruiting and hiring a full-time or part-time psychiatrist. We will provide you access to one or more psychiatrists in our network. Our turnover rate is low because our psychiatrists enjoy the freedom telepsychiatry brings and 95% of patients who try telepsychiatry like it. Our psychiatrists treat a wide range of mental disorders and psychological disorders and can provide your patients with the exact same treatment just as if they were on-site.
Join our long list of behavioral health facilities and benefit from the telepsychiatry services we can provide you. We service a wide array of mental health organizations which include but are not limited to:
- Mental Health Clinics that need to hire a psychiatrist or other mental health provider full-time or part-time
- Community and County Mental Health that need a psychiatrist on staff
- Hospitals needing to add a psychiatrist to their Emergency Department or Psychiatric Ward
- Nursing Homes that need to hire a psychiatrist to treat their patients from home or their bed.
- Schools and Universities that would like to have a psychiatrist or other mental health provider on-site.
- Jails and Prisons that need a psychiatrist to evaluate and treat inmates
- Urgent Care Clinics that want to add the specialty of Psychiatry
- Health Systems can use one or two providers to deliver care, using our virtual clinic, to all their facilities
- State Mental Health Programs that need a forensic psychiatrist on call or on staff
- Psychiatric Practices wanting to expand and grow thier patient base
- Family/General Practices wanting to add the specialty of Psychiatry or want to consult with a psychiatrist
- Inpatient Telepsychiatry that need a psychiatrist to treat their patients
- Similar programs also available for other medical specialties such as cardiology
These are just a few of the many different ways e-Psychiatry helps behavioral health programs. If you're in need of a psychiatrist at your facility or organization Contact Us TODAY to get more information on how we can HELP!
Employers and Insurance Providers
The shortage of psychiatrists makes it difficult for your employees and members to seek mental health care when they need it. Employees and Members have a difficult time finding a psychiatrist in-network and must travel long distance or go to the ER to receive mental health care. This can prove to be extremely costly driving health care costs up and causing employees to miss work.
We currently work with a number of employers and insurance providers across the country delivering telepsychiatry services to their employees and members. We service a wide array of bussinesses, benefits and insurance providers which include but are not limited to:
- Insurance Providers looking for a mental health value-added service at a reduced cost
- Employers that want to give their employees an added mental health benefit.
- Businesses that can't afford to provide health care coverage to their employees.
- PEO's that would like to add telepsychiatry to their benefits plan
- Mental Health Insurance Providers wanting to expand their network of psychiatrists
- TPA's that want to add or expand their mental health programs
These are just a few of the many different ways e-Psychiatry helps employers provide Telepsychiatry to Employees and insurance providers that provide Telepsychiatry Benefits to members. If you would like to add or expand your mental health programs Contact Us TODAY to get more information on how we can HELP!
Individual Patients
There is currently a severe shortage of psychiatrists in the US. e-Psychiatry will provide patients access to affordable mental health care with our network of online psychiatrists through telepsychiatry. There are certain events that happen in our lives and we are not always capable of handling these on our own. We need a professional to talk to immediately and do not have the time to wait for an appointment at a traditional psychiatrist office. People use telepsychiatry for many reasons, whether you suffer from anxiety, depression, addiction, bipolar disorder or some other form of mental illness..
We will be able to provide access to a Online Psychiatrist through video with the same level of care as if you visited their office. We will provide a psychiatrist online in home mental health care and issue prescriptions for most all mental health illnesses. Many different people from all walks of life with issues preventing them for seeing a mental health professional and online psychiatrists can help those which include but are not limited to:
- People that prefer saving time and money over traditional mental health services
- High profile individuals
- Professionals and business executives
- People with limited time due to work or other obligations
- People with no insurance
- The elderly
- People with certain disabilities
- People with fear of leaving home
- People with fear of being around others
- People that don�t want to be seen at a �shrink�s� office
- People with severe anxiety or depression
Whatever your reason is for wanting to use our online mental health services we know that once you try telepsychiatry you�ll have a hard time wanting to do it any other way! Don�t let what�s stopping you from getting the help you deserve and we encourage you to explore online psychiatrists duties and responsibilities at
e-Psychiatry currently provides telepsychiatry services for the following states:
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Washington DC, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming

If you are a behavioral health provider and want to work from home or have your own practice, you can join our Telepsychiatry Panel by providing telepsychiatry to patients!
There is currently a national shortage of psychiatrists and other mental health providers, in tandem with the growing population need for such services. e-Psychiatry, we can help alleviate the current shortage of behavioral health professionals by working in conjunction health care facilities to treat their patients through telepsychiatry. We also work with psychiatrists by assisting them in setting up telepsychiatry at their practice to treat new/current patients who struggle to make appointments. You can market your telepsychiatry service as an added treatment option. If you are interested, Join our Telepsychiatry Panel or get more information on our Telepsychiatry Jobs.

Direct Patient Care Services
e-Psychiatry�s national panel of psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, therapists and psychologists are available to provide direct patient care services. Go to e-Psychiatry Pro for more information.
e-Psychiatry solutions
- Healthcare Facility Telepsychiatry
- e-Psychiatry offers a variety of telepsychiatry services and programs to healthcare facilities. If you are a hospital, county agency or mental health clinic and in an area where you are affected by the national shortage of psychiatrists, we can help! We contract our services around the country with area hosptials and clinics and provide the best care possible for your patients.
- Employer Telepsychiatry
- Mental health is widely ignored by employers around the US. Boost your productivity and show your employees you care about their mental health. We provide a variety of plan options tailored to fit your business needs. We provide plans for just therapist consultations, psychiatrist consultations or both.
- Insurance Telepsychiatry
- Differentiate yourself with this innovative product and deliver a value-added benefit for your clients. Our service costs less than the traditional psychiatric office visit which means you can help your clients lower their healthcare costs and add a new revenue stream. Watch your profits increase by growing membership and reducing costs!
- Individual Telepsychiatry
- If you are experiencing a crisis, call 911 immediately for assistance. e-Psychiatry offers telepsychiatry services for you and your family. Whether you live in an area with little access to psychiatric help, don't have time available to take to seek help for your mental health issues or traveling extensively!
- Sales & Customer Support Telepsychiatry
- If you are a self-motivated
individual, who prefers to to work from home or office and would like to be a part of this fast growing industry, then we would like to work with you! We are currently seeking e-Psychiatry Brokers, e-Psychiatry Recruiters and e-Psychiatry Customer Support personnel. We offer competitive salaries and ideal work settings!